Active and adventurous, I love exercising, whether it's biking through scenic trails or working out at the gym. I'm passionate about traveling and exploring new...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
从没结过婚, 多伦多工作, 北美完成双本, 双硕, MBA/JD連读. 安省執業律师, 从事税务法律与税务会计专业. 高175, 不胖, 不烟, 不酒, 不賭, 爱运动.
- Love exercises & various sports
- Love watching the news and political p...
希望今年可以找到一生挚爱, 明年起再也不要来这里了。 A man who is mature or not, is not because of his age, is because what he has been through in his life. 一个男人成不成熟,不是因为他的年龄而定, 而是...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
喜欢学各种知识(等毕业,也希望去college兼职,学习画画🎨,西餐烹饪🍳,研究猫科动物🐱,专业摄影📹,视频剪辑制作)。 City walk,游泳,骑车,逛街买衣服。 旅行,看书,研究新菜。 猫,...
Looking for a harmonious, mutual support and respectful serious relationship. Looking fot the 1 to settle down.
Drop me you vx ...
From you have I been absent in the spring———-william shakespeare 撸猫,写作,运动,看书,看电影,听音乐,游戏,上网,独处,放空 Making money and feeding my cat 😂 Water and love 单纯 不知道 还没 都有些影...
Daytime hacker (not a dangerous one) to do sports and be competitive. Recently become a fan of being healthy and pumping up in the gym despite the...
I grew up here so even though I cannot read Chinese, I am able to speak Mandarin. 跳舞,唱歌,逛街,运动,陪家人,高尔夫,旅行,看电影 Kind, smart, thoughtful Maybe that I seem fo...
I am a busy person who is making the best of each day and investing in the future. Drink coffee, research, listen to music, bike, and watch videos. Investing in...