从没结过婚, 多伦多工作, 北美完成双本, 双硕, MBA/JD連读. 安省執業律师, 从事税务法律与税务会计专业. 高175, 不胖, 不烟, 不酒, 不賭, 爱运动.
- Love exercises & various sports
- Love watching the news and political p...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
Hello 94射手座,身高178,体重76kg,已有身份(入籍在等ceremony),现居多伦多有自住房,dt银行上班senior data analyst,本科cs major statistic minor,希望认识年纪相仿的人哈哈。私生活方面我比较喜欢动起来的娱乐,游戏,开车,喜欢尝试各种新运动。性格大部分时候...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
非典型ENTJ- A 乐天派 性格开朗活泼 正能量 情绪稳定 对任何事物都充满了好奇心 热爱生活 善于发现生活中的小确幸
走走停停辗转了几个城市 以前忙于工作学习 提升自我等到了想settle down 的年纪 却遇人不淑 耽误了几年才发现找人生伴侣这事比工作赚钱考试难多了 人生的课题再难也要把它补上 希望未来的你 ...
Active and adventurous, I love exercising, whether it's biking through scenic trails or working out at the gym. I'm passionate about traveling and exploring new...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
希望今年可以找到一生挚爱, 明年起再也不要来这里了。 A man who is mature or not, is not because of his age, is because what he has been through in his life. 一个男人成不成熟,不是因为...
Daytime hacker (not a dangerous one) .........love to do sports and be competitive. Recently become a fan of being healthy and pumping up in the gym despite the...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
我两岁时来到加拿大.. 希望你不要介意我的成长过程
I am a glamorous, kind-hearted, tender, caring, considerate and understanding oriental man. I would describe myself as sincere, dilige...
Looking for a harmonious, mutual support and respect serious relationship. Let's go out and find out Some fun and easy going...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
看书、弹琴、运动 相似价值观、背景;善于沟通,诚实、有责任感、有上进心...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
Born in Beijing. Moved to Canada during middle school. People tend to think I...
Toronto, ON, 加拿大
My MBTI personality type is: INTJ. Drink coffee, research, listen to music, and watch videos. Investing in the future....
I grew up here so even though I cannot read Chinese, I am able to speak Mandarin. 跳舞,唱歌,逛街,运动,陪家人,高尔夫,旅行,看电影 Kind, smart, thoughtful Maybe that I seem f...
Hi there! During my spare time, you'll often find me exploring the great outdoors on a hike, scaling new heights while rock climbing, or getting lost in the col...